A Water Authority in Victoria needed a backup diesel generator solution… and at the same time the Power Supply Authority contacted the Water Authority in regards to demand response.
PR Power was contacted to supply a backup generator with the capability of exporting power back into the mains network grid.

For the Water Authority, this is their first prototype site proving the concept, technology & protection capabilities with the outlook of implementing this into future sites and upgrading existing sites.
At commissioning the pump station was consuming 9kVA, and the generator was producing 130kVA meaning the site was exporting 121kVA. As the pump load increases, the remaining exporting power will reduce accordingly.
PR Power’s aim was to achieve a scenario whereby the diesel generator could permanently synchronise with the mains supply and not only take all their load from the mains network but also export power back into the grid and provide to the mains network as another macro power supplier.
In general, demand response / embedded generators may attract payment back from Network Distribution Providers. Making this type of diesel generator not only a backup solution but also a revenue source.
Working closely with the Water Authority and the Power Authority, the PR Power team supplied and installed a 220kVA PR Power Diesel Generator [PR220C-SAE] along with a DSE8610 controller and the main switchboard was also fitted with a DSE8660 master controller.
This further strengthened PR Power’s reputation for high end, engineered, tailored solutions for embedded generators along with peak lopping and exporting power back into mains network grid.
All engineering and design were performed in house by PR Power’s team of Engineer’s.