The Geraldton Health Campus in Western Australia is being redeveloped from 2021 to 2023 and will remain fully operational during the redevelopment.
The project itself offers improved infrastructure for the expected increase in patients.
With the ever growing Mid-West and Pilbara region of WA, the infrastructure, government services & health care system is required to keep up with high growth demand.

PR Power were recently awarded the supply contract for a 700 kVA Diesel Enclosed Generator to be added to the new Geraldton Health Campus.
The unit will be linked to the current standby power system on site and accommodate the additional emergency power requirement loads.
The preferred solution was a large PR Power Cummins Powered Standby Diesel Generator.
Reliable, economical and supported by a 24/7 after sales support team to ensure when the need arises, the power generation equipment will be there to protect important life-saving equipment.
Source – Geraldton Health Campus Image & Information: WA Country Health / News >